Green Bike Paintings

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Painting People - Yikes!

Ok, it’s been a while since I made an entry. I have painted many pets since then and it has been great. I have found that I need to paint something I want to paint in between the commission works. It seems to reset my mind and lets me be creative and push the learning curve a bit.

But one nice lady asked me to paint her grand daughter and I did. Oh boy that was not exactly like painting a dog or a cat. Much more difficult. Maybe I will get better, or maybe painting people isn’t my ‘jam’, but I want to keep trying. She was happy with the end result even though I think I painted the little girls face 5 times.

Bottom line is that it seems all artists ‘run’ into areas where they must work harder at creating what they deem is acceptable in their own eyes. I know I have. But, you know, I am not discouraged since I can always paint something else that I think I am good at. Just remember, there will be times when you wonder, “who am I trying to fool, am I really a painter?” (Note: One day you will change from a painter, to an artist). I am still working on it.